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Embrace Renewal: Springtime Wellness and Nourishment Guide

Springtime is a Time for Renewal

This is one of my favorite seasons of the year as we watch new growth springing forth out of the earth with such resilience. It is truly a time of renewal and rebirth and regeneration. The days are getting warmer and the sun is getting stronger which is helping to bring new life to the earth. It is a time for us to plant a garden, be outside and ground ourselves on the earth. It is also a time to transition our eating habits to the lighter fare this season offers us. This would include all the spring greens that are emerging with such life and energy. Many of the plants are extracting more minerals from the soil and thus providing us with very usable sources of iron, silica and other minerals from those dark greens that are springing forth. This would include spinach, kale, mustard greens, garlic ramps, stinging nettles, dandelion greens (that can be foraged) just to name a few.

This is a great time to turn over the soil and plant all your lettuces, cruciferous vegetables, spinach, radishes, arugula, onions, potatoes, peas, swiss chard and many others. These veggies are cold weather tolerant and also support liver and gallbladder function. The bitter greens act as choleretics which increase bile flow and support detoxification. In traditional Chinese medicine, springtime is the time of highest energy flow in the liver and gallbladder and related meridians. This is a great time of the year to consider doing some sort of cleanse to mark the transition from the heavier foods of winter into the lighter foods of summertime.

One of the companies that we have been working with recently called Standard Process has a great 10 day detox program that is all plant-based from organic foods grown on their farm in Northern Wisconsin. Their farm is located in the Kettle Morraine which has an extremely high level of minerals from the glacial formations that retreated millions of years ago. They extract minerals and other nutrients from the super foods that are grown on their farm which are highly bioavailable to the human body.

Above all take the time to be outdoors watching all the new life open before your eyes and have FUN.

-Dr. Logan

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